The church then called Pastor Claes August Nyren from Oakland, California. He accepted our call and moved here February 4, 1894. In the meantime, a man in Muskegon by name of Malcolm Petterson substituted in preaching. He was during certain years selected to preach in the absence of the regular pastor. He was also the church's organist. He did good work for the church at this time, and he continues to lead meetings, witnessing about the Lord, in the absence of the regular pastor. We greet him with a hearty welcome to this 25 year jubilee celebration.
When Pastor Nyren came here he started in with the work with youthful rapture and the work went forward. Especially the first part of Pastor Nyren's work was successful and lively, and his preachings were warm and good. During his first year the "Young People's Society" was formed by him in 1894. Many sinners were laid at the feet of Jesus. Emigration from Sweden also continued, so that the number of Swedish people increased and there were now and then some believers among them, which added to the growth of our church.
Many of the church's own children began to grow up and Pastor Nyren had quite large classes of confirmands. Of those, quite a few were won for the Lord and some joined the church. Many belonged to the Young People's Society (Y .P .S.) and the church choir, who did not join the church. The time now started, when the young people came into the church. So far the young ones had been mostly the immigrants from Sweden. Such times are of great importance in the history of a church and always creates a crisis. The most important happening during this time was the building of: THE NEW CHURCH
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