[Published from
the original manuscript by permission of the
Massachusetts Historical Society. This
indenture between David Thompson and his
partners Abraham Colmer, Nicholas Sherwill
and Leonard Pomery, all gentlemen of
Plymouth, England, is one of the most
important documents relating to New
Hampshire. It was written on parchment and
was in duplicate; this being David Thomson's
own copy had the seals and signatures of his
three partners, while their copy which has
not been preserved had his signature and
seal. The seals three in number are little
slips of parchment, considerably longer than
broad, but broad enough to write one's
Christian name on, these were inserted or
interwoven through several incisions into the
parchment instead of being stuck to the same
with sealing wax, and in signing the
document, the Christian name was written on
the seal or slip and the surname after it on
the parchment instead of before the seal as
now. The seal or slip of Abraham Colmer has
been taken out, consequently his Christian
name does not appear in his signature. Later
we shall publish the wills and other
documents relating to Abraham Colmer,
Nicholas Sherwill and Leonard Pomery, and it
will be found that they were engaged in a
thriving fishing and trading business, along
the shores of New Hampshire and in the
Piscataqua river, which at that time was the
center of the salmon fishery. A certain cove
in that river was for many years called
Pomery's Cove.]
Articles of Covenants Indentid
made and agreed on; the foureteenth daye of December,
in the twentieth yeare of the raigne of our Soueigne
Lord James by the grace of god of England Frannce and
Ireland King Defender of the faith &c. And of
Scotland the Sixe and fiftieth Betweene Dauid Thomson
of Plymouth in the County of devon gentleman of thone
Parte, And Abraham Colmer Nicholas Sherwill, and
Leonard Pomery of Plymouth aforesaid marchants of
th'other parte.
Imprimis whereas the Councell
established, by the said Kings Maties Lres
patents, for the ruling, orderinge & disposing of
the terrytories and affayres of Newe England in
America, have grannted vnto thaboue named Dauid
Thomson, his heires and assignes, for ever, Sixe
Thousand acres of land, and one Iland lyeing &
being in & vpon tile coaste of Newe England
aforesaid, wth dyuers Royalties,
ymmunities priveledges franchises and liberties, As
by the same grannt, bearinge date the Sixteenth daye
of October laste paste more at large, it dothe &
maye appeare, And farther wheareas also the said
Dauid Thomson by his deed Indentid beareing date wth
these prsents hath freely and absolutely
grannted the foureth parte of all the said Iland wth
thappurtennes therevnto belonging or in
any wise apperteyninge, vnto thaboue named Abraham
Colmer Nicholas Sherwill and Leonard Pomery their
heires & assignes forever, wth
Covenannts also therein expressed, to grannte and
convey, vnto them their heires and assignes in ffee
simple, the foureth parte of the before recyted Sixe
thousand acres of land and other the premysses wth
thappurtennes, As by the said deed thereof
Indentid to them made more plainely and at large it
doth & maye appeare, In Consideracon whereof it
is fullie couenannted & agreed by and betweene
the said parties to these presents in manner and
forme followings, that is to saie
First, that they the said
Abraham Colmer Nicholas Sherwill, and Leonard Pomerie
their heires and assignes, shall and will at their
owne proper costes & charges, this present yeare
prouid and send, two men, wth the said
Dauid Thomson, in the good shipp called the Jonathan
of Plymouth aforesaid (by gods permission) to be
landed in Newe England aforesaid, wth soe
muche victualls & prouisions, as shall suffice
them, till they be their landed, And yf they land
there, wthin the space of three moneths,
after the said shipp shall passe Ramehed, The residue
of the three moneths victualls (yf any be) shall be
delyuered to the said David Thomson, at his landing
there, the said men and victualls, there to be
disposed of by the said David Thomson, as well
towards the findings, of a fitt place for thintended
plantacon there, as also to begin the same
Item, that they, the said Dauid
Thomson, Abraham Colmer, Nicholas Sherwill, &
Leonard Pomerie, their heires and assignes, shall and
will this present yeare, at their owne proper costes
& charge, find prouide and send, three men more,
in the good ship called the Prouidence of Plymouth
aforesaid, yf they maye be so sonne gotten, Or in
some other shipp wth the first expedicon
that maye be, To be also (by god his permyssion)
landed in Newe England, there to be disposed of as
aforesaid, the Charges of weh men lastlie
mencoed are to be paid and borne equallie betweene
them the said parties to theis prsents
Item, it is farther agreed, by
and betweene the said parties to theis pnts, that two
men more (ouer & aboue the former three) shal be
this prsent yeare, prouided & sent, in
the aforesaid shipp the Jonathan; wth
their victualls prouisions, To be likewise (by gods
permyssion) landed in Newe England aforesaid, the
charge of Weh two men lastlie mencoed soe
to be sent, shalbe equallie borne and paid, betweene
the said Dauid Thomson, Abraham Colmer, Nicholas
Sherwill, and Leonard Pomerie
Item, it is farther agreed by
and betweene the said parties to theis pnts, that
after suche tyme, as the said Dauid Thomson, And the
foresaid Seaven men or any of them, shall be soe
landed in Newe England as aforesaid The said persons
soe landed, shall and will vse their best Endeavor,
(by the dirreccon of the said Dauid Thomson), wth
as muche conveniencie as may be, to find oute some
fitt place or places there, for the choise of the
said Sixe thousand acres of land, accordinge to
th'intent of the grannt aforesaid; And also of some
fitt place, to settle and Builde, some houses or
buildings for habitacons, On weh they are
to begyn, wth as muche expedicon as they
maye, To the lymits and precincts of weh
habitacons or buildings soe intented to be there
erected, there shalbe allotted, of the landes next
thereunto adioyninge, at or before thend of five
yeares, next ensuing the date hereof, the full
quantitie of Sixe hundred acres of land, or i-neere
thereaboutes, Wth said Sixe hundred acres
of land, Wthall and singular the tenemts
and buildings, that maye be raised thereupon, duringe
the said space of five years, together wth
the Seas, Riuers harbor or harbors ports creeks, and
all and singeler other the premysses whatsoeu,
conteyned wthin the said sixe hundred
acres of land, with the seas Anent the same, shall at
thend & expiracoii of the said five yeares, Be
equallie deuided, betweene them the said David
Thomson, Abraham Colmer, Nicholas Sherwill, and
Leonard Pomery by lotts, And that all costs chargs
and disbursments whatsoeuer, to be paid & layde
forth, from and after the landing of the said men or
any of them in Newe England aforesaid, towards the
finding oute of the said sixe thousand acres of land,
or for the buildinge planting and husbanding, of the
said six hundred acres of land, shall During the said
five yeares be equallie borne and paid, betweene all
the said parties to theis prsents The
residue of the said sixe thousand acres of land, to
be also in such convenient tyme as maye be Deuided
betweene them the said parties in foure parts, and by
lots as aforesaid, wth all the seas &
Riuers Anent the same, and all other the premysses to
the same belonging. Whereof the said Dauid Thoiuson
his heires an assignes, are to haue three Quarters,
And the gaid Abraham Colmer Nicholas Sherwill &
Leonard Pomerie, their heires & assignes, One
quarter accordinge to the true intent & meaning
of the last before recyted grannt, to them thereof to
be made by the said Dauid Thomson his heires &
Item, it is farther agreed, by
and betweene the said parties to theis prsents,
that the said lland wth the grounde
Soyles, Hauens, Rivers ports, Creeks, wth
thappurtennes therevnto belonging at thend
of the said five yeares, shall alsoe be Devided
amongste them, the said parties in foure partes, by
lotts as aforesaid, Whereof the said Dauid Thomson
his heires & assignes are to haue three of the
said foure partes, And the said Abraham Colmer,
Nicholas Sherwill and Leonard Pomerie, their heires
and assignes, thother foureth parte, accordinge to
the true intent & meanings, of the laste before
recyted grannt thereof to them made
Item, farther it is fully
couenated & agreed by and betweene the said
parties to theis pnts, That all costes, chargs,
expenses, and disbursmts whatsoeu weh
shall happen to be expended laid forth or disbursed
for and towards the planting & husbanding of the
said lland wth thappurtennes,
And for and towards the Erecting of habitacons or
buildings there Vntill the same be divided as
aforesaid, shalbe borne and paid betweene the said
parties, in this sorte (viz), three partes, by the
said Dauid Thompson, his heires and assignes and the
other fouretli parte, by the said Abraham Colmer,
Nicholas Sherwill & Leonard Pomerie their heires
and assignes.
Item, it is farther agreed by
and betweene the said parties to theis prsents,
that all benefitts and profitts wbatsoeuer, that
shall or may, duringe the said terme of five yeares
happen to accrewe arise & growe oute of or upon
the said sixe hundred acres of land, be it more or
lesse, and of the Seas and Rivers therevnto
belonging, or by trading, fishing, Setting &
Setling of the same landes & tenements, or any
parte of them, or by any other industrie waies or
meanss whatsoever (the fishing of such shipp or
shipps of the said Abraham Colmer Nicholas Sherwill
& Leonard Pomerie, or of either or any of them or
of either or any of their assignes, sett forth onely
at their costs & charges, and wherein the said
Dauid Thomson, doth not, or will not, put in his
parte of the coste and charges, onely excepted &
foreprised,) shall also be equallie divided betweene
them the parties to these presents parte and parte
Item, it is also agreed by and
betweene the said parties to theis prsents,
that all benefitts & profits, that shall or maye,
duringe the said terme of five yeares, happen to
accrewe aryse and growe, oute of or vpon, the residue
of the said, sixe thousand acres of land wth
thappurtennes or oute of, or upon the said
Iland wth thappurtennes shall
be devided into foure parts Whereof the said Dauid
Thomson his heires and assignes shall haue three
partes, And the said Abraham Colmer Nicholas
Sherwill, and Leonard Pomery their heires &
assignes shall haue th'other foureth parte, And that
every of them, shall and will vpon reasonable
request, delyuer to th'other a iuste & perfect
,accompt of his receipts & payments concerning
the premisses And for the true performance of all and
singular, the said Covenannts and agreements, either
of the said parties bindeth himself to th'other
firmly by these presents
In wittness wheareof the said
parties interchangablie, to theis prsent
covenants Indented, their handes and
Seales haue sett heoven the daye and yeare ffirst
aboue wrytten.
Annog. Dm 1622
P me [Abraham) Colmer P me
Nicholas Sherwill Leonard Pomery
Sealed and delyuered in prsents of
John ffowell
Teste me Tho. Cruse
Teste Hugoe Bull
Michael Herring
In reference to the
This indenture, as
will be seen, recites a grant from the Council for
New England to Thomson, under date of 16th of October
1622. The records of the Council show no grant to him
under that date: but under 16th of November we
read,"Mr. Thomson's patent was this day signed
by the above said Council." It may have been
drawn in the previous month, and the date inserted,
but not signed till later.
The three persons
named in this covenant are persons well known in the
history of Plymouth in England.
Abraham Colmer (or
Colman) was Mayor of that town in 1615 and in 1627,
and Alderman in 1626. Nicholas Sherwell was Mayor in
1618, 1628, and 1637. In 1625, "Thos. and Nic.
Sherwell erected, founded, and established the
Hospitall of Orphan's Aid" in that City. Leonard
Pomeroy was a member ofthe Council in 1612, and Mayor
in 1623. On the 22nd of March, 1630, the ship
"Johnathan of Plymouth," of 150 tuns, is
mentioned as owned by Nicholas Sherwell and Abraham
Colmer. "Mr. Fowell," probably John, one of
the witnesses to the sealing and delivering of the
indenture, was "Town Clarke" of Plymouth in
Source: The New Hampshire
Genealogical Record, Vol. II; Dover, NH; July 1904
Contributed by Genevieve Fraser
Notes on a
recently discovered indenture relating to David Thomson of
Piscataqua and Massachusetts Bay in New England Deane,
Charles, 1813-1889. Ann Arbor, Michigan: University of Michigan
Library, 2005
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