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Sarah Trevore... Was she William's daughter and the wife of John THOM(P)SON2?

The May-flower and her log, July 15, 1620-May 6, 1621: chiefly from original ... By Azel Ames

William Trevore was, according to Bradford, one of "two seamen hired to stay a year in the countrie." He went back when his time expired, but later returned to New England. Cushman (Bradford, " Historie," p. 122) suggests that he was telling "sailors' yarns." He says: " For William Trevore hath lavishly told but what he knew or imagined of Capewock [Martha's Vineyard], Monhiggon, and ye Narragansetts." In 1629 he was at Massachusetts Bay in command of the HANDMAID (Goodwin, p. 320), and in February, 1633 (Winthrop, vol. i. p. 100), he seems to have been in command of the ship WILLIAM at Plymouth, with passengers for Massachusetts Bay. Captain Standish testified in regard to Thompson's Island in Boston harbor, that about 1620 he "was on that Island with Trevore," and called it " Island Trevore." (Bradford, " Historie," Deane's ed. p. 209.) He did not sign the Compact, perhaps because of the limita- tions of his contract (one year).

A sweet and alien land: the story of Dutch New York‎ - Page 53 Barbara Van der Zee - History - 1978 - 560 pages

The ship's captain, William Trevor, invited Van Twiller to come on board, and the director, after some dithering, finally accepted...

William Trevore was hired by the Pilgrims to stay for one year as a laborer. ("There were also other two seamen hired to stay a year here in the country, William Trevor, and one Ely. But when their time was out they both returned." William Bradford, Of Plymouth Plantation, written 1630-1654).

The Pilgrim Migration: Immigrants to Plymouth Colony 1620-1633, Anderson, Robert Charles, 2004 (p. 198)

The documents are direct quotes and should not be taken and used as one's own work without identifying the source.

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