Journal Report
BackDescendants of Cornelis Verbrugge
Generation One
1. CORNELIS1 VERBRUGGE. Cornelis was born at Zaamslag, Terneuzen, Zeeland, Netherlands, on 22 AUG 1845;
Cornelis Verbrugge
Born on Friday, August 22, 1845 Zaamslag
Aktedatum : 23-08-1845, aktenummer (number) : 63
Geboren te (born in) : Zaamslag, op (on) 22-08-1845
Cornelis Verbrugge
Zoon van :
VADER (father) : Pieter Verbrugge
MOEDER (mother) : Pieternella Cornelia Goossen
Source: Geboorteakten Zaamslag 1796-1909
Archive: Burgerlijke Stand inventarisnummer [toegevoegd: 18 december 2009]
Zeeuws Archief: Akten van de Burgerlijke Stand Zeeland vanaf 1796/1811
According to the death record, he was 64 years, 2 months and 10 days old. That would put his birth date at 22 Aug 1845. This agrees with Bible record of the Verbrugge family.1 He married Suzanna "Suzie" De Feijter at Axel, Terneuzen, Zeeland, Netherlands, on 1 AUG 1867;
Source Civil register - Marriage
Archive location Zeeuws Archief
General Number of finding aid: 25.4
Municipality: Axel
Type of record: Huwelijksakte
Record number: 19
Registration date: 01-08-1867
Bridegroom Cornelis Verbrugge
Age: 21
Place of birth: Zaamslag
Bride Suzanna de Feijter
Age: 21
Place of birth: Axel
Father bridegroom Pieter Verbrugge
Mother bridegroom Pieternella Cornelia Goossen
Father bride Willem de Feijter
Mother bride Elisabeth Scheele.
Cornelis died on 1 NOV 1909 at Grand Rapids, Kent County, Michigan, USA, at age 64;
book #7, page 299
Verbrugge, Cornelius, born: Netherlands
father: Peter Verbrugge / mother: Peternella Cornelia Goosen
Age: 64-2-10
died of: concussion of the spine. Fall from a wagon. Family tradition is he was killed by a horse;

.2,3 He was buried on 4 NOV 1909 at Washington Park Cemetery, Grand Rapids, Kent County, Michigan, USA;
Verbrugge, Cornelius
b. 1845; d. 1909; on stone with Suzanna.
He emigrated, in 1881.
Cornelis Verbrugge
Leeftijd (age) : 36
Beroep (occupation) : arbeider (labourer)
Kerkgenootschap (religion) : Nederlands-hervormd (Dutch Reformed)
Jaar vertrek (year of departure) : 1881
Plaats van vertrek (place of departure) : Terneuzen
Vetrekt met zijn (departes with his) vrouw (wife)
Aantal kinderen (number of children) : 4
Reden van vertrek (reason of departure) : Zucht naar bestaansverbetering (Amelioration of existence)
Bestemming (destination) : Verenigde Staten van Noord-Amerika
Bron (source) : Staten van landverhuizingen (archief Provinciaal Bestuur Zeeland)
In: Genealogische Afschriften 810/3, pagina (page) 17
Source: Emigranten 1839-1900
Archive: Emigranten Noord- en Zuid-Amerika en Zuid-Afrika inventarisnummer [toegevoegd 3 april 2006]
Zeeuws Archief: Staten van Landverhuizers en Bevolkingsregisters. Cornelis immigrated, on 23 MAY 1881.
Cornelis Verbrugge, age 35, laborer.
Status: Permanent sojourn
Ship accommodations: steerage
Port of Embarkation: Amsterdam
Vessel: Pollux
Destination: USA
Date of Arrival: 5/23/1881
!Immigration Records - microfilm Roll: 437; Ship Manifest Number: 622
Also recorded were Wife (Vrouw Verbrugge) age 35; Daughter (Pietronella) age 13; Son (Peter) age 8; Daughter (Marie) age 7; Son (Willem) age 0.
The family was from the municipality of Terneuzen and were part of the Netherlands Reformed Church.
Ship's Description:
POLLUX 1,523 gross tons, length 349.7ft x beam 38.4ft, one funnel, three masts, iron hull, single screw, speed 10 knots, accommodation for 45-1st and 500-3rd class passengers. Launched on 27th Aug.1870 by A & J. Inglis, Glasgow for Koninklijke Nedelandsche Stoomboot Maatschappij (Royal Netherlands SS Co.), Amsterdam, she started a single round voyage between Marseilles. Menton, Gibraltar and New York on 8th Aug.1872. On 13th Feb.1879 she started one Catania - Messina - Palermo - New York - Amsterdam voyage and on 31st Mar.1880 commenced one Rotterdam - Plymouth - New York voyage. She started regular Amsterdam - New York sailings on 3rd Mar.1881 and made 13 round voyages on this route. After discussions with the Holland America Line, the company agreed to withdraw from the Amsterdam - New York trade after 1882 and their ships were transferred to other routes. The POLLUX was re-engined in 1895 and used on other services until 1907 when she was sold to Turkey and renamed NEDJAT. 1st Oct.1915 sunk by Russian naval gunfire off Kozli, in the Black Sea. [North Atlantic Seaway, vol.3, p.1068 by N.R.P.Bonsor];

Cornelis declared his intention to become a citizen of the United States at Grand Rapids, Kent County, Michigan, USA, on 7 OCT 1882. Cornelis's occupation: Laborer, Stockwell & Darragh Frn at Grand Rapids, Kent County, Michigan, USA, in 1886. He lived in 1886 at 209 Alpine Ave, Grand Rapids, Kent County, Michigan, USA.
Cornelis was listed as the head of a family on the 1900 Census at Grand Rapids, Kent County, Michigan, USA;
ED 66: 6A
Van Bruge, Cornelius, head, w, m, Aug 1845, 54, m, 32, Netherlands, Netherlands, Netherlands, 1881, 19, Na., Day Laborer
Susanna, wife, w, f, May 1846, 54, m, 32, 8, 5, Netherlands, Netherlands, Netherlands, 1881, 19
Peter, son, w, m, Apr 1872, 28, s, Netherlands, Netherlands, Netherlands, 1881, 19, Na., Furniture Finisher
Cornelius, son, w, m, Nov 1881, 18, s, Michigan, Netherlands, Netherlands, Sanding Plainer.
Cornelius had only one eye. Residence at the time of his death was 339 Crosby st. His death was evidently due to an accident on or about 31 Oct 1909.
Children of Cornelis1 Verbrugge and Suzanna "Suzie" De Feijter were as follows:
2. i. PIETERNELLA CORNELIA "NELLIE"2 Pieternella was born at Terneuzen, Terneuzen, Zeeland, Netherlands, on 13 JAN 1868. She married Jacob Datema at Grand Rapids, Kent County, Michigan, USA, on 10 OCT 1885. She married Renze Jansma at Grand Rapids, Kent County, Michigan, USA, on 21 MAY 1918. Pieternella died on 2 AUG 1941 at Kent County, Michigan, USA, at age 73.
ii. ELIZABETH. Elizabeth was born at Terneuzen, Terneuzen, Zeeland, Netherlands, on 13 MAY 1869;
Born on Friday, May 14, 1869 Terneuzen
Aktedatum : 14-05-1869, aktenummer (number) : 57
Geboren te (born in) : Terneuzen, op (on) 14-05-1869
Elizabeth Verbrugge
Dochter van :
VADER (father) : Cornelis Verbrugge
MOEDER (mother) : Suzanna de Feijter
Source: Geboorteakten Terneuzen 1796-1909
Archive: Burgerlijke Stand inventarisnummer [toegevoegd: 17 december 2009]
Zeeuws Archief: Akten van de Burgerlijke Stand Zeeland vanaf 1796/1811.4 Elizabeth died on 7 OCT 1869 at Terneuzen, Terneuzen, Zeeland, Netherlands;
Deceased on Wednesday, October 6, 1869 Terneuzen
Aktejaar (year) : 1869
Aktenummer (number) : 56
Overleden op (died on) : 6-10-1869
Overleden te (died in) : Terneuzen
Elizabeth Verbrugge
Leeftijd bij overlijden (age) : 4 maanden
Geslacht (gender) : vrouwelijk
Geboorteplaats (place of birth) : Terneuzen
VADER (father) : Cornelis Verbrugge
Leeftijd (age) : 23
Beroep (occupation) : vrachtrijder
MOEDER (mother) : Suzanna de Feijter
Source: Overlijdensakten Terneuzen 1796-1955
Archive: Burgerlijke Stand inventarisnummer [toegevoegd: 30 juni 2009]
Zeeuws Archief: Akten van de Burgerlijke Stand Zeeland vanaf 1796/1811.5
iii. ELIZABETH. Elizabeth was born at Boschkapelle, Kapelle, Zeeland, Netherlands, on 19 DEC 1870;
Born on Monday, December 19, 1870 Boschkapelle
Aktedatum : 19-12-1870, aktenummer (documentnumber) : 46
Geboren te (born in) : Boschkapelle, op (on) 19-12-1870
Elizabeth Verbrugge
Dochter van :
Vader (father) : Cornelis Verbrugge
Moeder (mother) : Suzanna de Feijter
Source: Geboorteakten Boschkapelle 1796-1905
Archive: Burgerlijke Stand inventarisnummer [toegevoegd: 11 sept. 2007]
Zeeuws Archief: Akten van de Burgerlijke Stand Zeeland vanaf 1796/1811.6
Elizabeth died on 7 JAN 1875 at Terneuzen, Terneuzen, Zeeland, Netherlands, at age 4;
Deceased on Thursday, January 7, 1875 Terneuzen
Aktejaar (year) : 1875
Aktenummer (number) : 4
Overleden op (died on) : 7-1-1875
Overleden te (died in) : Terneuzen
Elisabeth Verbrugge
Leeftijd bij overlijden (age) : 4 jaar
Geslacht (gender) : vrouwelijk
Geboorteplaats (place of birth) : Boschkapelle
VADER (father) : Cornelis Verbrugge
Beroep (occupation) : zonder
MOEDER (mother) : Suzanna de Feijter
Beroep (occupation) : zonder
Source: Overlijdensakten Terneuzen 1796-1955
Archive: Burgerlijke Stand inventarisnummer [toegevoegd: 30 juni 2009]
Zeeuws Archief: Akten van de Burgerlijke Stand Zeeland vanaf 1796/1811.6
iv. PIETER. Pieter was born at Boschkapelle, Kapelle, Zeeland, Netherlands, on 20 APR 1872;
Born on Saturday, April 20, 1872 Boschkapelle
Aktedatum : 20-04-1872, aktenummer (documentnumber) : 16
Geboren te (born in) : Boschkapelle, op (on) 20-04-1872
Pieter Verbrugge
Zoon van :
Vader (father) : Cornelis Verbrugge
Moeder (mother) : Suzanna de Feijter
Source: Geboorteakten Boschkapelle 1796-1905
Archive: Burgerlijke Stand inventarisnummer [toegevoegd: 11 sept. 2007]
Zeeuws Archief: Akten van de Burgerlijke Stand Zeeland vanaf 1796/1811.7
He married Nettie Mechan at Grand Rapids, Kent County, Michigan, USA, on 15 OCT 1913;
book #17, page 56
Peter VerBrugge, age 35, born: Netherlands, occupation: fireman, father: Cornelius VerBrugge, mother: Susanna Dedykes (sic)
Nettie Mechan, age 32, born: Grand Rapids, father: George Mechan, mother: ??
Nettie was married one time previous.
Groom name: Peter Verbrugge
Groom race or color (on document):
Groom age: 35 years
Groom birth year: 1878
Groom birth place: Netherlands
Bride name: Nettie Mechan
Bride race or color (on document):
Bride age: 32 years
Bride birth year: 1881
Bride birth place: Gd. Rapids
Marriage type:
Marriage date: 15 Oct 1913
Marriage place: Grand Rapids, Kent, Michigan
Father of groom name: Cornelius Verbrugge
Mother of groom name: Susanne ...Edykies
Father of bride name: George Mechan
Mother of bride name: Unknown
Marital status:
Groom previous wife name:
Bride marital status:
Bride previous husband name:
Additional relatives:
Film number: 2342701
Frame number:
Digital GS number: 4209234
Image number: 545
Reference number: v 3 p 121 rn 12534
Collection: Michigan Marriages 1868-1925.8
An obituary was published on 3 MAY 1942.
Pieter declared his intention to become a citizen of the United States at Grand Rapids, Kent County, Michigan, USA, on 29 MAR 1895.
Peter was listed in the 1884 Kent Co Census as a worker in a furniture factory at 12 YEARS OF AGE! db/1/95.
Pieter was listed as the head of a family on the 1920 Census at Grand Rapids, Kent County, Michigan, USA;
ED 30: 4B (224 Mt. Vernon Ave)
Verbrugge, Peter, head, m, w, 45, m, 1883, Na., 1891, Holland, Holland, Holland, Fireman, City
Nettie, wife, f, w, 39, m, Michigan, Wisconsin, Michigan
Meecham, Lucy, mother-in-law, f, w, 65, wd, Michigan, Michigan, Michigan. Pieter was listed as a lodger living with an unknown person 's household on the 1930 Census at Grand Rapids, Kent County, Michigan, USA; ED 41-17: 9A (523 Front Avenue NW)
Bender, Joseph, head, m, w, 23, s, Poland, Poland, Poland,1924, Pa, Salesman, Hosiery firm
Verbrugge, Peter, Lodger, m, w, 54, 1st m, ae 32, Netherlands, Netherlands, Netherlands, Fireman, Engine house.
3. v. MARIA CLARA Maria was born at Axel, Terneuzen, Zeeland, Netherlands, on 19 OCT 1873. She married Pieter Blik at Grand Rapids, Kent County, Michigan, USA, on 14 NOV 1895. Maria died on 30 JAN 1920 at Grand Rapids, Kent County, Michigan, USA, at age 46. Her body was interred on 2 FEB 1920 at Washington Park Cemetery, Grand Rapids, Kent County, Michigan, USA.
vi. WILLIAM. William was born at Terneuzen, Terneuzen, Zeeland, Netherlands, on 1 JAN 1876;
Born on Saturday, January 1, 1876 Terneuzen
Aktedatum : 03-01-1876, aktenummer (number) : 1
Geboren te (born in) : Terneuzen, op (on) 01-01-1876
Willem Verbrugge
Zoon van :
VADER (father) : Cornelis Verbrugge
MOEDER (mother) : Suzanna de Feijter
Source: Geboorteakten Terneuzen 1796-1909
Archive: Burgerlijke Stand inventarisnummer [toegevoegd: 17 december 2009]
Zeeuws Archief: Akten van de Burgerlijke Stand Zeeland vanaf 1796/1811.9
William died on 3 APR 1876 at Terneuzen, Terneuzen, Zeeland, Netherlands; Deceased on Tuesday, April 4, 1876 Terneuzen
Aktejaar (year) : 1876
Aktenummer (number) : 31
Overleden op (died on) : 4-4-1876
Overleden te (died in) : Terneuzen
Willem Verbrugge
Leeftijd bij overlijden (age) : 3 maanden
Geslacht (gender) : mannelijk
Geboorteplaats (place of birth) : Terneuzen
VADER (father) : Cornelis Verbrugge
Beroep (occupation) : landbouwer
MOEDER (mother) : Suzanna de Feijter
Beroep (occupation) : zonder
Source: Overlijdensakten Terneuzen 1796-1955
Archive: Burgerlijke Stand inventarisnummer [toegevoegd: 30 juni 2009]
Zeeuws Archief: Akten van de Burgerlijke Stand Zeeland vanaf 1796/1811.9
4. vii. WILLIAM William was born at Terneuzen, Terneuzen, Zeeland, Netherlands, on 20 MAR 1877. He married Teuna "Tennie" Penning at Grand Rapids, Kent County, Michigan, USA, on 20 SEP 1899. William died on 1 MAY 1957 at Kent County, Michigan, USA, at age 80. His body was interred on 4 MAY 1957 at Tallmadge Township, Ottawa County, Michigan, USA.

viii. CORNELIS "NEIL." Cornelis was born at Grand Rapids, Kent County, Michigan, USA, on 26 NOV 1881.10 Cornelis died on 29 DEC 1960 at Grand Rapids, Kent County, Michigan, USA, at age 79.10
He lived in 1912 at 849 Crosby NW, Grand Rapids, Kent County, Michigan, USA; Verbrugge, Cornelius, boards: 849 Crosby, occupation: machine hand.
Generation Two
2. PIETERNELLA CORNELIA "NELLIE"2 VERBRUGGE (Cornelis1). Pieternella was born at Terneuzen, Terneuzen, Zeeland, Netherlands, on 13 JAN 1868;
Monday, January 13, 1868 Terneuzen
Aktedatum : 13-01-1868, aktenummer (number) : 7
Geboren te (born in) : Terneuzen, op (on) 13-01-1868
Pieternella Cornelia Verbrugge
Dochter van :
VADER (father) : Cornelis Verbrugge
MOEDER (mother) : Suzanna de Feijter
Source:Geboorteakten Terneuzen 1796-1909
Archive:Burgerlijke Stand inventarisnummer [toegevoegd: 17 december 2009]
Zeeuws Archief: Akten van de Burgerlijke Stand Zeeland vanaf 1796/1811.11
She married Jacob Datema at Grand Rapids, Kent County, Michigan, USA, on 10 OCT 1885;
Groom name: Jakob Datema
Groom race (on document):
Groom age: 24 years
Groom birth year: 1861
Groom birth place: Netherlands, Europe
Bride name: Pieternella Cornelia Verbougge
Bride race (on document):
Bride age: 17 years
Bride birth year: 1868
Bride birth place: Netherlands, Europe
Marriage type:
Marriage date: 10 Oct 1885
Marriage place: Grand Rapids, Kent, Michigan
Father of groom name:
Mother of groom name:
Father of bride name:
Mother of bride name:
Marital status:
Groom previous wife name:
Bride marital status:
Bride previous husband name:
Additional relatives:
Film number: 2342476
Frame number:
Digital GS number: 4207804
Image number: 57
Reference number: v 2 p 154 rn 3505
Collection: Michigan Marriages 1868-1925.8
She married Renze Jansma at Grand Rapids, Kent County, Michigan, USA, on 21 MAY 1918;
Groom name: Ransa Jansma
Groom race (on document):
Groom age: 54 years
Groom birth year: 1864
Groom birth place: Netherlands
Bride name: Nellie C. Vanbruggen Datema
Bride race (on document):
Bride age: 50 years
Bride birth year: 1868
Bride birth place: Netherlands
Marriage type:
Marriage date: 21 May 1918
Marriage place: Grand Rapids, Kent, Michigan
Father of groom name: Rean Jansma
Mother of groom name: Effie Banga
Father of bride name: Case Vanbruggen
Mother of bride name: Mary
Marital status:
Groom previous wife name:
Bride marital status:
Bride previous husband name:
Additional relatives:
Film number: 2342726
Frame number:
Digital GS number: 4210018
Image number: 566
Reference number: v 10 p 178 rn 6646
Collection: Michigan Marriages 1868-1925.8
Pieternella died on 2 AUG 1941 at Kent County, Michigan, USA, at age 73.
In 1894 Jacob and Nellie listed four children in the Kent Co census. Mary Verbrugge (Nellie's sister) was listed as a boarder with this family in 1894. db 1/95.
Children of Pieternella Cornelia "Nellie"2 Verbrugge and Jacob Datema all born at Grand Rapids, Kent County, Michigan, USA, were as follows:
i. JEANETTE "JENNIE"3. Jeanette was born circa 1887.
ii. CORNELIUS. Cornelius was born circa 1888. Cornelius died in 1936 at Kent County, Michigan, USA.
iii. SUSIE. Susie was born circa 1890.
iv. HARRY. Harry was born in 1893.
v. MARIA. Maria was born in AUG 1894.
There were no children of Pieternella Cornelia "Nellie"2 Verbrugge and Renze Jansma.
3. MARIA CLARA2 VERBRUGGE (Cornelis1). Maria was born at Axel, Terneuzen, Zeeland, Netherlands, on 19 OCT 1873;
Sunday, October 19, 1873 Axel
Aktedatum : 20-10-1873, aktenummer (number) : 100
Geboren te (born in) : Axel, op (on) 19-10-1873
Maria Verbruggen
Dochter van :
VADER (father) : Cornelis Verbruggen
MOEDER (mother) : Suzanna de Feijter
Source: Geboorteakten Axel 1796-1909
Archive: Burgerlijke Stand inventarisnummer [toegevoegd: 9 december 2009]
Zeeuws Archief: Akten van de Burgerlijke Stand Zeeland vanaf 1796/1811.12,3
She married Pieter Blik at Grand Rapids, Kent County, Michigan, USA, on 14 NOV 1895;
book #11, page 286
Peter Blik, age 22, born: Holland, MI
occupation: laborer
father: Wm. Blik; mother Kate Blicker (sic) (Baakelar)
Mary VerBrugge, age 22, born: Netherlands
father: Cornelus VerBrugge; mother: S. DeFeyter
witnesses: Cornelus VerBrugge & Roelof Veyer
married by: P Ekster, pastor of Holland Christian Reformed Church
Groom name: Peter Blik
Groom race or color (on document):
Groom age: 22 years
Groom birth year: 1873
Groom birth place: Holland, Michigan
Bride name: Mary Verbrugge
Bride race or color (on document):
Bride age: 22 years
Bride birth year: 1873
Bride birth place: Netherlands
Marriage type:
Marriage date: 14 Nov 1895
Marriage place: Grand Rapids, Kent, Michigan
Father of groom name: Wm Blik
Mother of groom name: Kate Blicker
Father of bride name: Cornelius Verbrugge
Mother of bride name: S. Defeyter
Marital status:
Groom previous wife name:
Bride marital status:
Bride previous husband name:
Additional relatives:
Film number: 2342501
Frame number:
Digital GS number: 4207881
Image number: 138
Reference number: v 2 p 507 rn 9497
Collection: Michigan Marriages 1868-1925.8
Maria died on 30 JAN 1920 at Grand Rapids, Kent County, Michigan, USA, at age 46;
book # 10, page 199
Blik, Mary
died of: nephritis (liver disease)
born: Netherlands
father: Corn. Verbrugge (b. Netherlands)
mother: Susanna DeFruyter (DeRuyter - b. Netherlands);

.13,3 Her body was interred on 2 FEB 1920 at Washington Park Cemetery, Grand Rapids, Kent County, Michigan, USA.
Mary's middle name is mentioned in son John's marriage record. In 1884 Kent Co census, Mary is "at school" and is the first person in her family to be able to read AND write. Her older brother and sister could both read but could not write. db 1/95
"Marie" Verbrugge, age 7, came with her parents arriving 23 May 1881 aboard the Pollux which embarked from Amsterdam.
Children of Maria Clara2 Verbrugge and Pieter Blik all born at Grand Rapids, Kent County, Michigan, USA, were as follows:
i. WILLIAM3. William was born on 24 MAY 1897;
Name: William Blick
Birth date: 24 May 1897
Birth place: Grand Rapids, Kent, Michigan
Gender: Male
Race or color (on document):
Father name: Peter Blick
Father birth place: Michigan
Age of father:
Mother name: Mary Blick
Mother birth place: Netherlands
Mother age:
Christening date:
Christening place:
Additional relatives:
Death date:
Age at death:
Film number: 2322713
Digital GS number: 4207005
Image number: 913
Frame number:
Reference number: item 2 p 289 rn 10979
Collection: Michigan Births 1867-1902.14,15
He married Hazel Anna Almeda Nelson at Kent City, Kent County, Michigan, USA, on 17 JUN 1920;
book #19, page 311
William Blik, age 23, born: Grand Rapids, occupation: machine hand, father: Peter Blik, mother: Mary VerBrugge
Hazel Nelson, residence: Kent City, MI, born: Chicago, IL, father: Fred T. Nelson, mother: Dena Lavine
married by: Martin Hess @ Sparta, MI
"in war service against Germany"
Groom name: Wm Blik
Groom race or color (on document):
Groom age: 23 years
Groom birth year: 1897
Groom birth place: Grand Rapids, Michigan
Bride name: Hazel Nelson
Bride race or color (on document):
Bride age: 21 years
Bride birth year: 1899
Bride birth place: Chicago, Illinois
Marriage type:
Marriage date: 17 Jun 1920
Marriage place: Sparta, Kent, Michigan
Father of groom name: Peter Blik
Mother of groom name: Mary Ver Bergg
Father of bride name: Fred T Nelson
Mother of bride name: Dina Lavine
Marital status:
Groom previous wife name:
Bride marital status:
Bride previous husband name:
Additional relatives:
Film number: 2342738
Frame number:
Digital GS number: 4032471
Image number: 27
Reference number: v 3 p 162 rn 10881
Collection: Michigan Marriages 1868-1925.8
William died on 30 DEC 1973 at Grand Rapids, Kent County, Michigan, USA, at age 76; Death certificate #75454.15 His body was interred on 4 JAN 1974 at Rosedale Memorial Park, Tallmadge Township, Ottawa County, Michigan, USA, E-338;
William's occupation: Tool Grinder, Widdicomb Foundry at Grand Rapids, Kent County, Michigan, USA, in 1920.
William was listed as the head of a family on the 1930 Census at Grand Rapids, Kent County, Michigan, USA;
ED 41-1: 18A (1534 Tamarack Avenue)
Blik, William, head, O, $6,500, m, w, 32, m, ae22, Michigan, Michigan, Netherlands, Machine hand, Furniture Factory
Hazel, wife, f, w, 31, m, ae21, Illinois, Sweden, Sweden
William N., son, m, w, 3-2/12, s, Michigan, Michigan, Illinois
Phyllis J., daughter, f, w, 5/12, s, Michigan, Michigan, Illinois
Levine, Kenneth N., lodger, m, w, 22, s, Illinois, Sweden, Sweden, artist, dept. store. He lived in 1954 at 1534 Tamarack NW, Grand Rapids, Kent County, Michigan, USA.
William and Hazel were married by Martin Hess. A note on the marriage record says: "In war service against Germany."
William was inducted into the Navy July 8, 1918, Second Class Seaman.
"Sometime in October 1918, I went aboard the U.S.S. Lake Champlain and sailed for Scotland. Weather fair all the way. Went through the North Sea. In fact the first cargo ship to sail there since we were at war. Landed in Inverness, Scotland. Stayed there about two weeks and started for the States again. After nine days out, was met with a storm and battled it for six days and the waves rolling at the heighth of 90 - 110 feet. As we neared the USA about six days, we wandered in a heavy fog, unable to get any sounding or bearing of any kind. Met a cargo ship which we got bearing from and sighted land which was South Carolina and our home port was Norfolk, VA. Trip from Scotland to Norfolk was 28 days and 12 hours. Stayed in Norfolk for two weeks and sailed for Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. The stay was three weeks, and I made one liberty to Caimanera, a small town and the place was very dirty and I thought the place was not fit for real Americans. Sailed for the States and was discharged from active service 19 Mar 1919." - William Blik (1920)
Reverend George Bontekoe administered the funeral service.
ii. CORNEILIUS "NEIL." Corneilius was born on 11 FEB 1899;
Name: Cornelius Blick
Birth date: 11 Feb 1899
Birth place: Grand Rapids, Kent, Michigan
Gender: Male
Race or color (on document):
Father name: Peter Blick
Father birth place: Michigan
Age of father:
Mother name: Marie Blick
Mother birth place: Michigan
Mother age:
Christening date:
Christening place:
Additional relatives:
Death date:
Age at death:
Film number: 2322869
Digital GS number: 4207563
Image number: 878
Frame number:
Reference number: item 2 rn 15405
Collection: Michigan Births 1867-1902.15 He married Irma Wilhemina Merritt at Grand Rapids, Kent County, Michigan, USA, on 30 JUN 1923;
Groom name: Conelius Blick
Groom race (on document):
Groom age: 24 years
Groom birth year: 1899
Groom birth place: Grand Rapids
Bride name: Erma Merritt
Bride race (on document):
Bride age: 19 years
Bride birth year: 1904
Bride birth place: Ada, Michigan
Marriage type:
Marriage date: 30 Jun 1923
Marriage place: Grand Rapids, Kent, Michigan
Father of groom name: Peter Blick
Mother of groom name: Mary Ver Beoge
Father of bride name: Merritt
Mother of bride name: Louise Peters
Marital status:
Groom previous wife name:
Bride marital status:
Bride previous husband name:
Additional relatives:
Film number: 2342756
Frame number:
Digital GS number: 4209978
Image number: 87
Reference number: v 5 rn 18040
Collection: Michigan Marriages 1868-1925.8
Corneilius died on 13 AUG 1985 at Grand Rapids, Kent County, Michigan, USA, at age 86; Death certificate #47242.15
Corneilius's occupation: Factory Hand (military papers). He lived in 1917 at 1029 Crosby NW, Grand Rapids, Kent County, Michigan, USA. He was inducted into the military at Columbus, Franklin County, Ohio, USA, on 11 JUL 1917; (Army). He was released from active duty at Fort Sheridan, La Salle County, Illinois, USA, on 20 DEC 1919.
Corneilius was listed as the head of a family on the 1930 Census
at Grand Rapids, Kent County, Michigan, USA;
ED 41-46: 16B (413 Union Ave)
Blik, Cornelius, head, O, $4,000, R, m, w, 31, 1st m, ae 24, Michigan, Michigan, Holland, Clerk-Cashier, Insurance
Erma W., wife, f, w, 26, 1stm, ae 19, Michigan, Michigan, Michigan, none
Marvin, Brother, m, w, 18, s, Michigan, Michigan, Holland, Laborer, Rug factory.
Neil served in France from Sep 1917 to Dec 1918 during the World War. He was wounded in the right elbow by machine gun fire on 4 Oct 1918 on the Champagne front. Battles: Verdun, Soissons, St. Mihiel, Champagne front. Irma and Cornelius had no children. (per William Blik - 1957).
iii. JOHN. John was born on 15 SEP 1900. He married Dora Nicolai at Grand Rapids, Kent County, Michigan, USA, on 3 SEP 1921;
Groom name: John Blik
Groom race or color (on document):
Groom age: 20 years
Groom birth year: 1901
Groom birth place: Grand Rapids
Bride name: Dora Nicolai
Bride race or color (on document):
Bride age: 21 years
Bride birth year: 1900
Bride birth place: Netherlands
Marriage type:
Marriage date: 03 Sep 1921
Marriage place: Grand Rapids, Kent, Michigan
Father of groom name: Peter Blik
Mother of groom name: Mary Vesbergge
Father of bride name: Nicholas Nicolai
Mother of bride name: Clara Hilder
Marital status:
Groom previous wife name:
Bride marital status:
Bride previous husband name:
Additional relatives:
Film number: 2342744
Frame number:
Digital GS number: 4032450
Image number: 282
Reference number: v 4 rn 13824
Collection: Michigan Marriages 1868-1925.8 John died on 8 OCT 1971 at Grand Rapids, Kent County, Michigan, USA, at age 71; Death certificate #60956
John was listed as the head of a family on the 1930 Census at Grand Rapids, Kent County, Michigan, USA;
ED 41-7: 5A (1439 Jeanette Avenue)
Blik, John, head, O, $5,500, m, w, 29, m, ae21, Michigan, Michigan, Netherlands, foreman-machine, furniture shop
Dora, wife, f, w, 29, m, ae21, Netherlands, Netherlands, Netherlands
Marvin P., son, m, w, 6, s, Michigan, Michigan, Netherlands
John Jr., son, m, w, 6/12, s, Michigan, Michigan, Netherlands.
iv. ANTHONY FRANCIS "TONY." Anthony was born on 8 SEP 1902;
Name: Tony Francis Blik
Birth date: 08 Sep 1902
Birth place: Grand Rapids, Kent, Michigan
Gender: Male
Race or color (on document):
Father name: Peter Blik
Father birth place: Michigan
Age of father:
Mother name: Mary Verbugge
Mother birth place: Netherlands
Mother age:
Christening date:
Christening place:
Additional relatives:
Death date:
Age at death:
Film number: 2363096
Digital GS number: 4032379
Image number: 1070
Frame number:
Reference number: item 2 p 362 rn 1710
Collection: Michigan Births 1867-1902.16
He married Johanna A. Van Dyk at Grand Rapids, Kent County, Michigan, USA, on 10 JAN 1923;
Groom name: Anthony Blike
Groom race (on document):
Groom age: 21 years
Groom birth year: 1902
Groom birth place: Grand Rapids
Bride name: Johanna Van Dyke
Bride race (on document):
Bride age: 18 years
Bride birth year: 1905
Bride birth place: Netherlands
Marriage type:
Marriage date: 10 Jan 1923
Marriage place: Grand Rapids, Kent, Michigan
Father of groom name: Peter Blike
Mother of groom name: Mary Ver Burgie
Father of bride name: John Van Dyke
Mother of bride name: Cora Pettings
Marital status:
Groom previous wife name:
Bride marital status:
Bride previous husband name:
Additional relatives:
Film number: 2342756
Frame number:
Digital GS number: 4209978
Image number: 8
Reference number: v 5 rn 16909
Collection: Michigan Marriages 1868-1925.8
Anthony died on 19 MAR 1967 at Compton, Los Angeles County, California, USA, at age 64.16
Anthony was listed as the head of a family on the 1930 Census at Wyoming Township, Kent County, Michigan, USA;
ED 41-145: 18A (1222 Burton St SW)
Blik, Anthony, head, m, w, 27, m, ae20, Michigan, Michigan, Netherlands, Merchant, Retail
Johana, wife, f, w, 24, m, ae17, Netherlands, Netherlands, Netherlands, imm 1909, al, none
Raymond, son, m, w, 6, s, Michigan, Michigan, Netherlands
Genevieve, daughter, f, w, 3-9/12, s, Michigan, Michigan, Netherlands.
v. FRED. Fred was born on 11 JUL 1906. He married Rose Boersanqt after 1930. He married Theressa Brouwer. Fred died on 14 MAY 1994 at Grand Rapids, Kent County, Michigan, USA, at age 87; Death certificate # 030453.15
He lived in 1974 at Grand Rapids, Kent County, Michigan, USA.
No children. (per William Blik notes from 1957).
vi. HARRY. Harry was born in JUN 1909. He married Blanche Oberlin at Kent County, Michigan, USA, in 1943. Harry died on 18 JUL 1953 at age 44.
Had no children. (per William Blik - 1957).
vii. MARVIN P. Marvin was born circa 1913. Marvin died on 10 JUN 1970.
He was mlt induction on 17 MAY 1943 at Kalamazoo, Kalamazoo County, Michigan, USA;
Name: Marvin Blik
Birth Year: 1912
Race: White, citizen (White)
Nativity State or Country: Michigan
State: Michigan
County or City: Kent
Enlistment Date: 17 May 1943
Enlistment State: Michigan
Enlistment City: Kalamazoo
Branch: No branch assignment
Grade: Private
Grade Code: Private
Term of Enlistment: Enlistment for the duration of the War or other emergency, plus six months, subject to the discretion of the President or otherwise according to law
Component: Selectees (Enlisted Men)
Source: Civil Life
Education: 1 year of college
Civil Occupation: Car Mechanic, Railway or Aerial Photographer or Draftsman or Draftsman, Mechanical or Draftsman, Structural or Draftsman, Electrical (Draftsman, telephone and telegraph. ) or Draftsman, Topographic or Tool Designer or Tracer or Cartographer
Marital Status: Single, without dependents
Height: 03
Weight: 123.
Not married, no children. (per William Blik - 1957).
viii. PAUL. Paul was born on 28 OCT 1914. He married Mary Veltman at Michigan, USA, circa 1940. He died in FEB 1983 at Cadillac, Wexford County, Michigan, USA, at age 68;
Birth Date: 28 Oct 1914
Death Date: Feb 1983
Social Security Number: 383-05-7875
State or Territory Where Number Was Issued: Michigan
Death Residence Localities
ZIP Code: 49601
Localities: Cadillac, Wexford, Michigan
Death Benefit Localities
Zip Code: 33457
He lived in 1974 at Cadillac, Wexford County, Michigan, USA.
Paul was married twice after Mary Veltman. (Mary died.) He resided in Cadillac, MI.

4. WILLIAM2 VERBRUGGE (Cornelis1). William was born at Terneuzen, Terneuzen, Zeeland, Netherlands, on 20 MAR 1877; Born on Tuesday, March 20, 1877 Terneuzen
Aktedatum : 21-03-1877, aktenummer (number) : 61
Geboren te (born in) : Terneuzen, op (on) 20-03-1877
Willem Verbrugge
Zoon van :
VADER (father) : Cornelis Verbrugge
MOEDER (mother) : Suzanna de Feijter
Source: Geboorteakten Terneuzen 1796-1909
Archive: Burgerlijke Stand inventarisnummer [toegevoegd: 17 december 2009]
Zeeuws Archief: Akten van de Burgerlijke Stand Zeeland vanaf 1796/1811.17 He married Teuna "Tennie" Penning at Grand Rapids, Kent County, Michigan, USA, on 20 SEP 1899;
book #12. page 237
William VerBrugge, 22, b. Netherlands, machinist
father: Cornelius VerBrugge; mother: Susanna DeFeyter
Tennie Penning, 18, b. Netherlands
father: Bastian Penning; mother: Gertrude VanWyke
married by: Peter Ekster, pastor of Holland Christian Reformed Church
Groom name: William Ver Brugge
Groom race or color (on document):
Groom age: 22 years
Groom birth year: 1877
Groom birth place: Netherlands
Bride name: Tennie Penning
Bride race or color (on document):
Bride age: 18 years
Bride birth year: 1881
Bride birth place: Netherlands
Marriage type:
Marriage date: 20 Sep 1899
Marriage place: Grand Rapids, Kent, Michigan
Father of groom name: Cornelius Ver Brugge
Mother of groom name: Susanna De Feyter
Father of bride name: Bastian Penning
Mother of bride name: Gertrude Van Wyk
Marital status:
Groom previous wife name:
Bride marital status:
Bride previous husband name:
Additional relatives:
Film number: 2342512
Frame number:
Digital GS number: 4208628
Image number: 218
Reference number: item 3 p 537 rn 13929
Collection: Michigan Marriages 1868-1925.8
William died on 1 MAY 1957 at Kent County, Michigan, USA, at age 80. His body was interred on 4 MAY 1957 at Tallmadge Township, Ottawa County, Michigan, USA.William was listed as the head of a family on the 1900 Census at Grand Rapids, Kent County, Michigan, USA;
E.D. 66 Sheet 14 Line 67 (567 West Street)
VerBerge, William, head, w, m, Mar 1877, 23, m, 0, Netherlands, Netherlands, Netherlands, 1881, 19, na., Rip Sawer
Tennie, wife, w, f, Nov 1881, 18, 0, 0, 0, Netherlands, Netherlands, Netherlands, 1885, 15, Na.
William was listed as the head of a family on the 1910 Census at Grand Rapids, Kent County, Michigan, USA;
ED 49: Sheet 81
William Verbrugge, head, m, w, 32, m1, 10, Holland, Holland, Holland, 1882, Na., sand wagon driver
Tena, wife, f, w, 28, m1, 10, 4, 4, Holland, Holland, Holland, 1886
Susie, daughter, f, w, 9, s, Michigan, Holland, Holland
Edward, son, m, w, 7, s, Michigan, Holland, Holland
Gertrude, daughter, f, w, 5, s, Michigan, Holland, Holland
Nellie, daughter, f, w, 2, s, Michigan, Holland, Holland.
William was listed as the head of a family on the 1920 Census at Grand Rapids, Kent County, Michigan, USA;
ED 17: 8B (1145 Powers Ave)
Verbrugge, William, head, m, w, 42, m, 1881, Na., 1898, Holland, Holland, Holland, Teamster, Sand Gravel
Tena, wife, f, w, 38, m, Un., Na., Holland, Holland, Holland
Susan, daughter, f, w, 19, m, Michigan, Holland, Holland, BookKeeper, Shoe Mfg's
Edward, son, m, w, 17, s, Michigan, Holland, Holland, Car Checker, NYCRR
Gertrude, daughter, f, w, 15, s, Michigan, Holland, Holland
Peternella Cornelia, daughter, f, w, 12, s, Michigan, Holland, Holland
Marie Katherine, daughter, f, w, 6-4/12, s, Michigan, Holland, Holland.
William was listed as the head of a family on the 1930 Census at Grand Rapids, Kent County, Michigan, USA;
ED 41-8: 10A (1146 Fremont)
VerBrugge, William, head, R $25.00, m, w, 53, 1st m, ae 24, Netherlands, Netherlands, Netherlands, imm. 1881, na, Proprietor, Oil Station
Gena, wife, f, w, 47, 1st m, ae 18, Netherlands, Netherlands, Netherlands, none
Marie, daughter, f, w, 16, s, Michigan, Netherlands, Netherlands, none
Ringleberg, Nicholas (ab) son-in-law, m, w, 28, 1st m, ae 20, Michigan, Michigan, Michigan, Jackson Prison
Gertrude, daughter, f, w, 25, 1st m, ae 17, Michigan, Netherlands, Netherlands, none
Marian, niece, f, w, 6, s, Michigan, Michigan, Michigan
Lois J., niece, f, w, 4-10/12, s, Michigan, Michigan, Michigan.
William and Tennie were married by Peter Ekster, pastor of Holland Christian Reformed Church. At the time of the 1910 census, Tennie was the mother of four children and all four were alive.
Children of William2 Verbrugge and Teuna "Tennie" Penning were as follows:
i. SUSAN3. Susan was born at Grand Rapids, Kent County, Michigan, USA, on 28 DEC 1900.18 She married William Dewaard at Grand Rapids, Kent County, Michigan, USA, on 27 NOV 1924;
Groom name: William Dewaard
Groom race (on document):
Groom age: 25 years
Groom birth year: 1899
Groom birth place: Grand Rapids, Michigan
Bride name: Sue Verbrugge
Bride race (on document):
Bride age: 23 years
Bride birth year: 1901
Bride birth place: Grand Rapids, Michigan
Marriage type:
Marriage date: 27 Nov 1924
Marriage place: Grand Rapids, Kent, Michigan
Father of groom name: John, Sr. Dewaard
Mother of groom name: Johanna Hofstra
Father of bride name: Wm. Verbrugge
Mother of bride name: ...tena Penning
Marital status:
Groom previous wife name:
Bride marital status:
Bride previous husband name:
Additional relatives:
Film number: 2342763
Frame number:
Digital GS number: 4210109
Image number: 202
Reference number: v 4 rn 3247
Collection: Michigan Marriages 1868-1925.8 Susan died
on 14 FEB 1984 at Grand Rapids, Kent County, Michigan, USA, at age 83.
Susan was listed as the sole survivor in her husband's obituary. db 6/95.
ii. EDWARD. Edward was born at Michigan, USA, on 15 AUG 1902. He married Cecilia Herrmann circa 1931. Edward died on 18 NOV 1993 at Grand Rapids, Kent County, Michigan, USA, at age 91.19 His body was interred on 22 NOV 1993 at Resurrection Cemetery, Grand Rapids, Kent County, Michigan, USA.
iii. GERTRUDE. Gertrude was born at Michigan, USA, on 28 SEP 1904. She married Nicholas John Ringleberg in 1921. Gertrude died on 18 APR 1992 at Michigan, USA, at age 87.
iv. PETERNELLA CORNELIA "NELLIE." Peternella was born at Grand Rapids, Kent County, Michigan, USA, in 1907. She married William Allgeo at Middleville, Barry County, Michigan, USA, on 3 OCT 1925;
Groom name: Wm. Allgeo
Groom race or color (on document):
Groom age: 22 years
Groom birth year: 1903
Groom birth place: Hastings, Michigan
Bride name: Nellie Verbrugge
Bride race or color (on document):
Bride age: 18 years
Bride birth year: 1907
Bride birth place: Grand Rapids, Michigan
Marriage type:
Marriage date: 03 Oct 1925
Marriage place: Middleville, Barry, Michigan
Father of groom name: Wm. E. Allgeo
Mother of groom name: Minnie Konkle
Father of bride name: Wm. Verbrugge
Mother of bride name: Tena Penning
Marital status:
Groom previous wife name:
Bride marital status:
Bride previous husband name:
Additional relatives:
Film number: 2342769
Frame number:
Digital GS number: 4209971
Image number: 338
Reference number: v 5 rn 5295
Collection: Michigan Marriages 1868-1925.8
v. MARIE KATHERINE "RHEA." Marie was born at Grand Rapids, Kent County, Michigan, USA, circa SEP 1913. She married Henry J. Timmer at Grand Rapids, Kent County, Michigan, USA, on 3 JUL 1936. She married (--?--) Kiel.
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